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Project Manager - Erik Ulbricht

Years with WCS: Practicing Since 2003

Education: Montana State University - Construction Engineering Technology

Projects: Fred Meyer – 158 Juneau Fred Meyer 2014 Remodel – 482 Walker Road Fred Meyer Refresh – 460 Salmon Creek Fred Meyer Remodel/Expansion- 485 West Fairbanks

More Info: One of my favorite projects was a remodel and expansion of a Fred Meyer in Brookings, OR while one of my most challenging projects was the remodel and expansion of a Fred Meyer in Juneau, AK.

Fun Fact: I really enjoy the outdoors trough mountaineering, cycling, camping and an occasional game of old boy rugby. Spare time is spent working around the house/yard and in the woodworking shop if I'm lucky.

More details: One of my favorite projects was a remodel and expansion of a Fred Meyer in Brookings, OR while one of my most challenging projects was the remodel and expansion of a Fred Meyer in Juneau, AK.